Casino Insider Exposes 5 Winning Secrets

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I have Played keno for years always thinking it was trully random and have enjoyed the game yes I've lost more than I won but never my mortgage payment lol so it was only for entertainment and I have enjoyed playing and ever so often hit a nice 7-spot or 8-spot or 8 of 9 etc for a nice payday but now after reading this this seems like it could make sense I hope its not true would take away alotta the fun of keno knowing its not trully random.... Does anyone work for a company like IGT or something and answer this with a def yes or no? Thanks
One of the most technical explanations of how a video keno game works was delivered to me from a reader who claims to have received the information from a former technician of a major slot manufacturer.
Now, I don’t endorse this explanation or suggest that it is a true reflection of how keno machines work. But I thought it might prove interesting, if not worthwhile, to our readers. Here is the explanation, in the reader’s own words:
These machines are designed and programmed to do one thing. Pay the house a certain pre-determined percentage of every dollar gambled, and I have been assured that if the machine has not registered enough intake of money to enable it to pay out a major jackpot, it will not hit no matter how many times or how often you re-set your numbers. These machines have a three phase program written into them.
Phase one … there isn’t enough money to pay a jackpot. This is when the machine will somehow manage to miss your numbers most of the time, hitting small pays just often enough to keep the 'it’s due' type of player feeding it.
Phase two is the real kicker. When the machine has enough money to pay out a jackpot without hurting the house 'hold' it actually switches over to a second program that is truly run via a random number generator. At this point the machine is actually running an honest RNG program, and your numbers may or may not hit depending on how lucky you are. This is when your true odds of hitting a jackpot based on the number of spots picked come into play. The more numbers picked, the longer the odds. (One note here: Almost all these machines except those connected to a progressive jackpot, pay the same maximum jackpot for an 8-, 9- or 10-spot. So why play a 10-spot when an 8-spot pays the same and your odds of hitting one are exponentially better?)
The third phase programmed into the game is the one you hope you’re lucky enough to have running when you put your money in and pick your numbers. Everyone from the Gaming Control Board to the manufacturer will deny this even under the pain of death, but just remember it is a computer and it can be programmed to do anything you want it to do. And it is the only way that a machine manufacturer can guarantee the house that they will make their percentage in profit. When these machines switch over to the third tier of the program, it reads that the machine is holding far in excess of what it is programmed to earn for the house, usually from 15 percent to 18 percent. It’s just way too close to the maximum 25 percent hold mandated by state gaming regulations. Now it doesn’t matter what numbers you pick, they are going to hit!
Interesting stuff, wouldn’t you say? Beyond that, I don’t have a clue whether this is an accurate explanation of a video keno program. And, of course, the game manufacturers aren’t talking.
This is the kind of tripe that surfaces a lot on this board -- conspiracy theories based on second- or third-hand information. It's in casinos' interest to offer fair games because the house edge -- particularly in KENO(!!) -- is already on their side. No need to risk everything by cheating. Plus, they're highly regulated, at least in Nevada.
People who lose again and again need to rationalize it with the conclusion that the game must be fixed. Notice that some guy heard this from some guy. Yeah, it's interesting, but show me the facts.

This is the kind of tripe that surfaces a lot on this board -- conspiracy theories based on second- or third-hand information. It's in casinos' interest to offer fair games because the house edge -- particularly in KENO(!!) -- is already on their side. No need to risk everything by cheating. Plus, they're highly regulated, at least in Nevada.
People who lose again and again need to rationalize it with the conclusion that the game must be fixed. Notice that some guy heard this from some guy. Yeah, it's interesting, but show me the facts.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.

Yeah, it's interesting, but show me the facts.

Book: License to Steal: Nevada's Gaming Control System in the Megaresort Age
An excellent and fun book to read.
preview google books HERE
Read page one and two in Chapter One for free. Pages 43 and 44 are good also.
There WAS cheating back then, and they had HE on slots back then,in the mid 80s and 90s, so then they must have cheated because they were greedy. Only reason I could figure.
But no one is greedy any more, from Wall Street to Casinos and Banks. Im sure they all learned their lessons and will be 100% honest til the end.
I say, if someone (a casino anywhere in the world)wants to cheat, they will, regardless of risk being caught. History has shown it HAS happened and I am sure it continues to happen.
winsome johnny (not Win some johnny)

This is the kind of tripe that surfaces a lot on this board -- conspiracy theories based on second- or third-hand information. It's in casinos' interest to offer fair games because the house edge -- particularly in KENO(!!) -- is already on their side. No need to risk everything by cheating. Plus, they're highly regulated, at least in Nevada.
People who lose again and again need to rationalize it with the conclusion that the game must be fixed. Notice that some guy heard this from some guy. Yeah, it's interesting, but show me the facts.

That's just it. Who's going to show anyone any facts about what's done with video gaming machines? We're in a recession right now and anything's possible if it weren't already. All we have to go by are Gaming Regs, and who's to say if they're complete or if they have multiple interpretations available.

Casino Insider Exposes 5 Winning Secrets 2

People will lie, companies will cheat, governments will mislead; happens all the time. I believe machine fairness is an individual perception, bounded by hope that everything's on the up & up.
At least one player who is known, and almost certainly, dozens who are not, have managed to exploit the non-randomness of video keno machines to win large sums. The key is that there is no such thing as a true random number generator, without going into the technical details.
As to whether the machines can be set to 'cheat'--well, we all know this is trivial to do. It is also completely undetectable. Even if the Gaming Control Board were to descend on a casino, guns drawn, and spirit away all the video keno machines with the purpose of carrying them back to their underground lair and making them confess--well, the act of powering the machines down would destroy any loaded program (in software, not in firmware). And I doubt very much whether any clueless third party could ever decode the program anyway.
So the question is, they can cheat--but would they? Well, first, you have to define 'cheat'. The casinos have already decided, AND THE COURTS AGREE WITH THEM, that fiddling with the outcome of a 'random' slot machine event is NOT cheating. If a reel slot was going to display (blank) 7 7, the program will rearrange the outcome to 7 7 (blank), making the customer's heart skip a beat, rather than the anticlimactic initial blank.
So as long as the eventual preset payback is realized, both practice and law (I'm talking Nevada law here, which is more like 1920's Chicago or 1990's Russia law) say that the casino can rearrange those payouts any way they want. Do keno machines cluster results in the way you mention? We'll never know--but the casinos have shown no compunction against mucking with supposedly randomly generated results. The silver lining is that if they ARE doing that, it doesn't actually change your overall chances one way or the other--it just increases your variance (which can actually be a Godsend on a -EV game, as you might hit something big and be able to get away from the damned machine before it crushes you).
The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.---George Bernard Shaw

...the casinos have shown no compunction against mucking with supposedly randomly generated results.

I stand by what I have said many times, that video poker and video keno in Nevada is fair, as if real cards/balls were used. If anyone can provide me evidence that such is not that case, I'll be happy to investigate, and use my bully pulpit to shame any game maker that is not offering an honest and fair game, as well as making a formal complaint to Gaming.
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.
I have to agree with the Wizard. Having worked in the Legal industry for almost 30 years, I can tell you that without question that if this sort of systematic cheating was being perpetrated on the general public by IGT and the casinos that you would see a class action suit filed so fast it would make your brain hurt.
The financial incentives to expose/litigate this sort of cheating far outweigh any advantage either IGT or the casinos would gain from it.
That's not to say that there have not been instances in past where shoddy RNGs and clever programmers have found ways to beat the system. But, these were isolated cases, and I believe it is not systemically integrated into the machines.
Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future. - Niels Bohr
People who have no clue how the industry works and have no idea about the levels of oversight and testing protocols are quick to create fantasies to explain their losses. No amount of explanation from experts is going to do; they are just going to believe those who tell them what they want to believe.
Casino insider exposes 5 winning secrets freeIf it sounds just like religious quackery, it is.
I believed the 'Wizard' was a wizard until I pulled back the curtain. Now I know he passes every statistical test for fairness created by man.
'Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness!'

The casino industry may be regulated and required to play fairly with players, but there are things the casinos won’t tell you up front. Every industry has its unspoken truths. Some are benign. Some are treated as “dirty little secrets”. Without being judgmental here are 12 things the average patron probably does not know about casinos and gambling.

1. Casinos Use Science to Get You to Gamble More

Academic research will study just about anything. You can even find numerous studies that rate how fast different types of grass grow during drought and rainy seasons. While there may be obscure benefits to such research, the casino industry has commissioned numerous studies that help them separate players from their money.

Among the interesting facts that science has revealed is that women are more likely to take bigger risks when they are alone, that players gamble more recklessly when they hear fast music, and some scents may lull players into staying longer at a game.

2. Return to Player Varies Based on Casino Popularity

For casinos, popularity translates into players.

But don’t assume “market forces” work in your favor.

Casino economics work this way: improve player odds until you get a maximum number of players and then shift the odds in your favor.

Casinos have several economic strategies to choose from:

You know that slot machine games are rarely reprogrammed because of the time and expense involved; still, casinos can change the theoretical return to player when they need to. One study shows that in 2014 North Las Vegas casinos offered 5% better RTP on their slot games than their competitors on the Las Vegas Strip.

Casinos change table game rules, too. They give better odds when there are fewer players and worse odds when there are more players. Some casinos change their rules at certain hours of the day. It’s better to pay good odds to a few players than bad odds to no players.

3. Casinos Hire Anonymous Professional Players

You have heard this rumor before. Casino industry insiders occasionally confirm it. Casinos hire players for two reasons: to encourage casual visitors to play, or to assist with enforcement of casino rules and gambling laws.

These house gamblers play with casino money, keeping no winnings and losing no money. House players rarely stay at any one game for very long. Their job is to move around the casino, either to keep an eye on things or to attract players to games.

4. The Casino Investigates You When You Win Big

Have you ever won a jackpot and found yourself waiting a long time for the casino staff to show up? While they could be busy elsewhere, part of their job is to keep you waiting. That gives the security team time to review how you won that jackpot. They have the final say on whether you actually get your money or escorted off the premises.

5. Sometimes You Can Place Bets for the Dealer

You know that dealers love to receive tips from players. In some casinos the players can place second bets as dealer tips. The dealers may not be permitted to choose how you tip but most dealers would love to accept a winning bet.

Just say, “I want to bet this as a tip for the dealer,” and play the bet separately from your own because the dealer keeps the winnings (if there are any). If the casino does not allow you to place bets as tips for the dealer, the dealer or floor manager will tell you. In that case, just pass the tip to the dealer.

6. Gambling Addiction Often Leads to Crime

Population studies show that about 10% of gamblers are susceptible to addiction. Statistics also show that about 2/3 of gambling addicts turn to petty crime to finance their habits. They may steal from friends and family members at first but some also graduate to worse behavior.

It’s the addiction that is the problem, not the gambling or the person. Gambling is a form of entertainment but some people become addicted to certain behaviors. When an addict cannot satisfy his or her cravings, regardless of what he or she is addicted to, the addiction takes over.

If you think you may have a gambling problem, seek help before it becomes more than just a “problem”.

7. How Much Is That Tournament Prize Really Worth?

Have you ever played in a casino tournament?

These events can be a lot of fun. People are excited and they aren’t just there to play the games, they are there to compete with each other. Casinos may offer very nice top prizes but to do so they sometimes sweeten the deal by including promotional chips. A promotional chip is like house credit. You can only use it at the casino that awards it and you cannot cash it out.

Promotional chips must be used to play the casino’s games. You can look at this in one of two ways: the casino is being sneaky in devaluing the prize they advertise or the casino is offering a prize consisting of free play. Either way, you end up playing with the house money if you win a tournament prize that includes promotional chips.

8. Why Is the Dealer Offering You Money?

Have you ever been dealt a blackjack where the dealer has an Ace and offers you even money on your bet? This might seem like an expensive proposition if the casino has a full table of players. Of course, how often do all the players get a blackjack at the same time?

Statistics experts who look at blackjack will tell you that if you refuse the even money payoff you should, over time, have a 54% to the house’s 46% win rate in this situation. Still, you may lose your bet if you don’t take the even money offer and the casino is counting on your anxiety to make the decision for you.

The casino is offering you money because it wants to cut its losses short. While it’s true that you “don’t lose” this way you also have no chance of winning an even money bet. Are you gambling or not?

9. Native American Casinos Have More Rights than Commercial Casinos

People often forget that Native American tribes living on reservations are still sovereign nations. They pass their own laws and have their own police forces. A commercial casino in Las Vegas or Atlantic City may have fewer direct options for dealing with suspected criminal activity than a casino located on tribal lands.

While you’re obviously not planning to commit any crimes in casinos, just remember that you don’t have quite as many advantages in rights on tribal land as you do at a commercial casino. If you find yourself dealing with casino security for any reason, be polite and reasonable; but assume the Native American security staff come armed with laws you haven’t heard about.

10. Never Take the Extra Bet

Maybe you are playing a slot game that offers a “Gamble” option. Maybe you are playing blackjack or roulette on a “progressive” table. If the game offers a secondary bet and you have to play with your money, pass it up. This is especially good advice if you only get the option for the secondary bet after you win a prize.

Think about it: the secondary bet comes from money you just won on your first bet. That sounds like it’s just another bet, but if the chances of winning the secondary bet are worse than the chances of winning the first bet, you’re better off not taking the secondary bet.

Some slot game designers realized that players had caught on to this trick. Now more modern games may allow you to adjust the odds on the secondary bet. But where they get you is that many players will use the adjustment option to increase the maximum possible payoff, which decreases your chances of winning.

Secondary bets are great ways for casinos to keep more of your money. Just play by one set of rules when you gamble.

11. There IS a Strategy for Winning on Slot Games

There are two ways to ensure you don’t lose money on slot games: either don’t play slot games or only play them with promotional credit the casinos give you. As long as you never risk your own money on slot games you will eventually win.

But this strategy requires a lot of discipline, time, and patience.

12. Roulette Wheels Do Experience Wear and Tear

If you play roulette often enough you’ll notice that the wheels are replaced from time to time. That is because even in gambling the laws of physics prevail. Despite modern wheel design and manufacturing processes, normal wear and tear gradually alters the physical characteristics of the roulette wheel. Professional roulette players look for wear and tear on the wheels. They may be able to detect patterns in how the balls complete their rolls.


Knowing these industry secrets won’t make you rich but you can stay on top of your game by being as diligent as the casino. Don’t hand every advantage over to the house by ignoring what they do. And don’t hamper your enjoyment by taking too many risks. Enjoy the game but protect yourself.

Casino Insider Exposes 5 Winning Secrets Video

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