Ability Slots Dragon Age Inquisition

Dragon Age: Inquisition: MORE HOTKEYS!!!!! MORE HOTKEYS!!!!! By McMailMan. Answer HQ English. Dont offer more abilities then there are slots for them, then add insult to injury by saying the gamer should forsee these issues. I' ve had to change my spec because of new options that become available during ythe game. MORE HOTKEYS!!! No Spoilers DAI more skill slots? Anyone know a mod that can grant access to more skill slots in DAI? I just got done with DAO and I'm missing all my situational skills. A community of Dragon Age fans, noobs, and ogres. About careers press advertise blog. Using Reddit. Sep 03, 2017  To my very first (and, depending on success or failure) probably my last Dragon Age: Inquisition mod. What does it do? More ability points! I have two versions, you can use either one (but only one of them). They will either double or triple the amount of ability points you get from all sources, for all characters.

This is a guide on the ability combo system for Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Before discussing combos, players first need to understand incapacitated status effects and Detonator abilities. Each class has a different incapacitated status effect; AKA, he or she takes out an enemy in a specific way based on his or her class. In turn, each class’s Detonator ability takes advantage of another player’s status effect.

These are the incapacitated status effects:

· Stun – caused by Warrior abilities, e.g. Pommel Strike.

· Sleep – caused by Rogue abilities, e.g. Knockout Powder.

· Freeze – caused by Mage abilities, e.g. Winter's Grasp, or a Tempest Rogue's Flask of Frost.

· Paralyze – caused by Mage abilities, e.g. Lightning Bolt.

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And these are the different Detonator abilities:

· Warrior (Impact) – Lunge and Slash, Mighty Blow, Whirlwind, Shield Bash, Spell Purge (counts as Eldritch)

· Rogue (Precision) – Twin Fangs, Longshot, Deathblow, Shadow Strike

· Mage (Eldritch) – Mind Blast, Energy Barrage, Dispel, Immolate, Spirit Blade, Stonefist (counts as Impact)

Each combination of incapacitated status effect and Detonator ability created different kinds of combos, with their own effects. There are 12 possible permutations, but only six unique combo effects.

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These are the six kinds of combo effects:

· Basic combo – does a moderate amount of bonus damage. These are carried out by a single class using its incapacitation followed by its detonator, e.g. Pommel Strike –> Mighty Blow, or Winter's Grasp –> Energy Barrage.

· Rupture – high damage over time, ignores armor.

· Shatter – high cold damage.

· Nightmare – high damage and causes target to Panic.

· Discharge – high electricity damage to all nearby enemies.

· Weakness – high damage and causes Weakness status

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Below we outline what combo effect is created by each permutation of status effect and Detonator ability:

· If a Warrior Stuns an enemy, then:

o Impact Detonator moves cause Basic Combo.

o Precision Detonator moves cause Rupture.

o Eldritch Detonator moves cause Weakness.

· If a Rogue puts an enemy to Sleep, then:

o Precision Detonator moves cause Basic Combo.

o Impact Detonator moves cause Rupture.

o Eldritch Detonator moves cause Nightmare.

· If a Mage Freezes an enemy, then:

o Eldritch Detonator moves cause Basic Combo.

o Impact Detonator moves cause Shatter.

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o Precision Detonator moves cause Shatter.

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· If a Mage Paralyzes an enemy, then:

o Eldritch Detonator moves cause Basic Combo.

o Impact Detonator moves cause Discharge.

o Precision Detonator moves cause Discharge.

Dragon Age Inquisition Ability Slots


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Lastly, once the combo is executed, it takes the opponent out of their status effect. However, if you created a Weakness or Nightmare combo effect from the combo, that will replace the status effect.

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